Summer Camp Registration

AWC Summer Camp 2024: First Through Third Grade
07/08/2024 09:00 AM - 07/12/2024 04:00 PM CT

AWC Summer Camp 2024: 1st - 3rd Graders

Parent or Guardian of Young Naturalist! Fill out your information below. 

Waiver Statement:

Cancellation Policy

Cancellations must be made in writing (US Mail or email) no later than July 11, 2023. Spots for summer camp are limited. If your child will not be attending, we can give the available spot to a student on the waitlist.

Consent to Medical Care and Treatment of a Minor

As part of a special program at Alabama Wildlife Center, your minor child or ward is scheduled to be a guest of the facility during the week of July 18 – July 22, 2023. Please read the accompanying information about the program in which your child or ward will be participating.

Emergencies may arise through unanticipated causes such as accidents and the like. Since time and/or distance can make it difficult to contact you for consent to medical care and treatment in an emergency, it will be necessary for you to give permission to authorize such care or treatment without first contacting you. If medical care or treatment for conditions less than an emergency is indicated, efforts will be made to contact you before such care or treatment

Video and Photography:

I agree to allow Alabama Wildlife Center to video and photograph my child during scheduled program activities for promotional purposes (brochures, newspaper articles, program website, etc).


A Code of Conduct is required, and behavior is monitored to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for all. Children are expected to behave appropriately as indicated in the Code of Conduct. In the event a child is disruptive, we will follow a progressive series of consequences ranging from a verbal warning to dismissal from the program.

Student Code of Conduct 

1. Show respect to other participants and treat them as I would like to be treated.
2. Show respect to staff and cooperate fully with their instructions.
3. Communicate in an appropriate manner. This means, I will not use foul language or gestures, harsh words or an unkind tone of voice when talking to others.
4. Conduct myself responsibly and always take responsibility for my own words and actions.
5. Refrain from horseplay or unwelcome teasing.
6. Refrain from deliberately causing physical harm to other participants or staff. I will not push, kick, hit or fight with another camper, volunteer, or staff member.
7. Respect the property of others. This means I will use program equipment, supplies, and facilities properly and ask permission before taking/touching others’ materials and belongings.
8. Be fully responsible for my words and actions. I understand that irresponsible behavior will result in the consequences outlined in the Code of Conduct.
9. Cell phones ARE allowed; however, students must keep the phones TURNED OFF during activities.


1st Offense: Verbal Warning/Reminder of appropriate behavior
2nd Offense: Five minute break from activities
3rd Offense: Phone call to parent letting them know of the situation
4th Offense: Dismissal from that day of the program
5th Offense: Dismissal from the remainder of the program

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